Notes on Keeping Venezuela’s Cultural Flame Alive

Notes on Keeping Venezuela’s Cultural Flame Alive

History: sometimes it feels like a good novel trying to be read as every third line in an over-burdened palimpsest comprising a criminal rap sheet, a biblical disaster and a tabloid sex scandal of the overly-entitled and the under-literate, all in one. Read more >>

Pluralism & Beyond

Pluralism & Beyond

As we start off this new year, Arc/k has some exciting things ahead and we hope you’ll join us in new and further explorations of our past, which will be the path to our future. Read more >>

Happy Holidays from all of us at Arc/k!

Happy Holidays from all of us at Arc/k!

Heartfelt thanks from our entire team for supporting Arc/k and its mission. By working to perpetuate humanity’s cultural heritage, we are proud not merely to be hoping and wishing for peace, we are working toward it. Read more >>

The Arc/k Project’s First Newsletter!

The Arc/k Project’s First Newsletter!

I’m not really a fan of the so-called “silver lining.”

I’m generally extremely suspicious of displays of excessive optimism or soft & squishy philosophies that feel too much like putting one’s head in the proverbial sand.

And yet, in the midst of so much cultural degradation, xenophobia and retrenchment, I am gobsmacked to discover that hope and optimism seem to have crept into my thoughts, like unexpected (yet not entirely unwelcome) visitors. But why? Read more >>